GEOMAX Zone60 HG basic inclination laser

Reliable rotating laser with semi-automatic tilt control

Top Features

  • Simple and intuitive lighting as standard
  • Ideal for concrete and formwork work
  • Laser class 1
  • Can be tilted in 2 axes up to ± 8 %.
  • Digital display of the inclination



Technical Data

Working area with receiver Ø 900 m
Operating time > 40 Hours
Weight 3300 g
Laser diode visible 635 nm (red), class 1
Dimensions 240 x 215 x 215 mm
Protection class IP67
Self-levelling range ± 6°
Power supply 4 alkaline mono cells (D), lithium-ion (Li-ion pack rechargeable)
Temperature range -20 °C to +50 °C
Tolerance ± 0.5 mm per 10 m
Product Number (PID) 27112000

Highlights at a Glance

  • The GeoMax Zone Series rotating lasers are robust (IP67), versatile (900 metre working range) and offer exceptional value for money.
  • The Zone60 HG is a horizontal laser with digital slope up to 8 % and convincing accuracy.
  • The display makes it very easy to adjust inclinations in two axes.
  • Best application area: outdoor.


The Zone60 HG is a semi-automatic grade laser and impresses with its user-friendly and flexible application. Its semi-automatic grade control in levelling applications makes it the ideal partner for concrete laying and forming. The Zone60 HG allows a slope of up to 8 percent on both axes and convinces with high accuracy. With the included ZRB90 laser receiver, you can supplement the performance and increase the range and precision.

Scope of Delivery

GeoMax Zone60 HG
Receiver ZRB90
Transport case
Li-Ion battery with charger
Manual on CD
Quick start guide
Safety instructions



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