NESTLE Double penta prism with case

Exact alignment of 90° angles

Technical Data

Housing Metal
Accuracy < 1 arc second
Weight 150 g
Product Number (PID) 11908000

Highlights at a Glance

  • It has two prisms (90° each to the right and left) and a centre view.
  • The accuracy is less than 1`
  • The metal housing with twist lock and latch makes the double penta prism robust against external blows.
  • You also have the option of either attaching the double pentagon to a plummet pole or hooking in a cord plumb bob.


The Double penta prism is a simple but important optical instrument for marking out right angles or checking right angles, for angling a point onto a straight line (i.e. for dropping the perpendicular from the point onto this straight line) and for aligning itself with a straight line. The double pentagon prism is simple to use. In the double pentaprism, two pentagonal glass prisms are placed one above the other. For measurements above a measuring point, place the prism on a plumb bob or hang a plumb line in the notch on the lower part of the housing. This makes it easy to determine the position of the prism vertically above a measuring point.

Scope of Delivery

Double penta prism



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