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Zenius800/Zeno Tab2/CT8 computer holder, Ball&Socket version complete with support and rod holder

Top Features

  • Simple and quick to operate
  • High flexibility in inclination and position due to Ball & Socket
  • Complete with support and rod holder



Technical Data

Weight 410 g
Computer type Zenius800/Zeno Tab2/CT8
Product Number (PID) 14993000

Highlights at a Glance

  • The attachment of the field computer to the prism or antenna pole supports ergonomic work in the field
  • The holder with mount for Zenius800/Zeno Tab2/CT8 field computer for attachment to prism or GNSS pole
  • Ball & socket system allows flexible adjustment of inclination and position


Increase your flexibility when measuring! By using the NESTLE calculator holders, you improve your comfort when measuring. Screw your field calculator/tablet conveniently to the rod at the optimum operating height for you. Simple and practical to use. This calculator holder with Ball+Socket is suitable for Zenius800/Zeno Tab2/CT8.

Scope of Delivery

Zenius800/Zeno Tab2/CT8 computer holder, Ball&Socket version complete with support and rod holder



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