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LEICA DST 360 adapter set

Ideal for high-precision point-to-point (P2P) measurements

Top Features

  • Made entirely of metal
  • Precise fine adjustment knobs allow accurate aiming at distant targets in the shortest possible time.
  • For intelligent area measurement




Technical Data

Product Number (PID) 25007000

Highlights at a Glance

  • Enables high precision P2P measurements in combination with Leica DISTO X3 or X4
  • For measuring complex surfaces in a three-dimensional space


LEICA DST 360 adapter, including TRI120 tripod and hard case. The DST 360 is an intelligent adapter that turns the DISTO X3 or X4 into a real measuring station. This enables you to take exact distance measurements between any two points from one position. In conjunction with the Leica DISTO Plan App, you can combine rotation, angle and distance data to make highly accurate point-to-point (P2P) measurements.

Scope of Delivery

Leica Geosystems DST 360 Adapter
TRI 120 Tripod
Hard shell case
Quickstart Guide



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