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Carrying bag for NESTLE measuring wheel / red straps+logo

Transport measuring wheel handy and safe

Top Features

  • Durable carry bag
  • Safe transport of NESTLE measuring wheels
  • Suitable for all NESTLE precision models
  • Suitable for all NESTLE standard models
  • Suitable for NESTLE MR-21



Technical Data

Version black with red straps and Nestle logo and zip
Weight 250 g
Material durable fabric
suitable for NESTLE measuring wheels: all precision models, all standard models, MR-21
Product Number (PID) 12901001

Highlights at a Glance

  • The carrying bag made of durable fabric protects your measuring wheel during transport.
  • The carrier bag is equipped with two carrying loops and is securely closed by means of a zip.


The NESTLE measuring wheel carrying bag protects your measuring wheel from damage and dirt
during transport. With the help of the two red carrying straps, the bag lies well in the hand, with a robust
zipper the bag is closed securely. The carrying bag for NESTLE measuring wheels is suitable for all precision models, all standard models
as well as the measuring wheel NESTLE MR-21.

Scope of Delivery

Carrying bag with red straps, zip and logo



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