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GEOMAX GSS113 barcode lath glass fibre 3 m for ZDL700

For perfect results with your GEOMAX level



Technical Data

Product Number (PID) 27022000


This combi fibreglass levelling staff is the ideal complement for the ZDL700 digital level from GeoMax. With this, highly accurate measurement campaigns with a double levelling standard deviation of 0.7 mm over 1 km are possible. By using the barcode, you can digitally level and determine height differences or uplift and erosion monitoring. The ZSF301 barcode levelling staff is also suitable for use with a conventional levelling device with the classic levelling - E - division or with cm and guarantees long and accurate work without abrasion due to the high quality of workmanship. You can also work safely and reassuredly in the vicinity of voltage sources, as electrical insulation is achieved through the use of glass fibre.

Scope of Delivery

GEOMAX ZSF301 barcode lath glass fibre 3m



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