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Highlights at a Glance
The GeoMax Zone Series rotating lasers are robust (IP67), versatile (900 metre working range) and offer exceptional value for money.
The Zone60 DG is a fully automatic 2-axis grade laser (DG = Dual Grade) with digital grade up to 15 % for any construction site.
With the ZRC60 remote control you have full control up to 300 m.
The display makes it very easy to adjust inclinations in two axes, horizontal and vertical.
Best working area: outdoors.
With the ZRD105B laser receiver, the beam can be automatically detected and monitored.
The GeoMax Zone60 DG is a fully automatic dual grade laser (DG = Dual Grade) with a digital inclination of up to 15 %. The self-explanatory user interface makes it very easy to make tilt adjustments in both axes, horizontally and vertically. The Zone60 DG is predestined for outdoor applications, e.g. for road construction, levelling work, work with inclinations (in one or two axes) as well as scaffolding work, formwork work or levelling. The high protection class (IP67) and the robust design enable use even under the toughest conditions. The ZRD105B laser receiver supplied provides additional functions such as beam catching (automatic laser beam detection) and beam lock (automatic laser beam monitoring).
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