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Ultra Advanced Locator Leica - single

Improve safety on the construction site, minimise human error and save time and money at the same time

Top Features

  • Direction recognition
  • Detection of the target supply line in the case of several supply lines running in parallel
  • Ambient signal interference measurement
  • Offset depth measurement
  • Radio connection to the optional generator/transmitter



Technical Data

Locator dimensions 691 x 325 x 122 mm
Battery Locator 2 mono cells (LR20)
Battery life Locator 30 hrs. continuous operation, 70 hrs. with interruptions
Operating temperature -20°C to +50°C
Frequency range Locator 50 Hz to 200 kHz
Weight Locator (incl. Bat.) 2.2 kg
max. depth 6 m
Protection class Locator IP65
Depth accuracy 5 %
Product Number (PID) 25015000

Highlights at a Glance

  • Choose from different preconfigured antennas for your measurement areas
  • The locator detects the signal direction


The Ultra Advanced pipe location system is a premium class location system. Due to its special AIM system, it is particularly suitable in areas with high cable and pipe density in order to be able to precisely track the course of individual supply lines.
In the case of obstacles, the system can also indirectly determine lines by means of offset measurements. The system shows the direction to a traced supply line via an integrated compass.

This article only contains the locator. For the complete system, please select item number 27515000.

Scope of Delivery

Locator Ultra Advanced



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