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NESTLE ranging pole support, heavy-duty version with clamping screw

Secure stand for alignment rods and prism poles

Top Features

  • Secure stand for alignment rods and prism poles.
  • Especially suitable for long prism poles with high build-up.
  • A wide range of applications.




Technical Data

Weight 3000 g
Height 100 - 125 cm
Material Aluminium
Product Number (PID) 11905000

Highlights at a Glance

  • Heavy-duty version for surveying in the building and cadastral sector. Not only suitable for setting up alignment rods on hard ground, but also for positioning prism poles.
  • Very simple operation: fix the prism or ranging pole over the measuring point and bring it to a plumb line.
  • With the heavy ranging pole support, the ranging pole or prism pole is more stable in wind or airstream caused by passing vehicles.
  • The rustproof aluminium profile legs are extendable from 100-125 or up to 130 cm.
  • The sturdy profile leg can be easily pressed into the ground if necessary.


The ranging pole support with clamping screw is particularly suitable for surveying in the building and cadastral sector. Not only for setting up alignment rods on hard ground, but also for positioning prism poles.

Scope of Delivery

Heavy ranging pole support with clamping screw



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